Digital Asset Management and CMS SYSTEMS
House of Images (HOI) is a well established supplier of image database and collections management systems (CMS) and associated digitisation services to museums, libraries and commercial organisations. HOI software is currently installed in over 40 locations throughout the United Kingdom.
Having recognised the need for specialist software to effectively manage image collections House of Images was established to develop and market a bespoke image retrieval system.
The development phase of this project began in October 1993 and over the following 12 months intensive research was conducted into the needs of such establishments.
A major milestone in the progress of HOI was the award in May 1997 of a contract from Kirklees Metropolitan Council. Kirklees were the first Local Authority to be awarded HLF funding for digital imaging projects and HOI were awarded the contract to supply the complete system following the formal tendering process.
Since 1995 the range of HOI's software products has increased steadily and now includes public access, image CD and the HPACDE internet system together with a full range of system support software.
In 1999 House of Images incorporated into their product range the HPACDE Management System which has constantly been upgraded and is now well established in Museums, Libraries and commercial establishments throughout the U.K.
For further information on our products please contact our Sales Department at [email protected]